Monday, March 11, 2013

His name was Blake.

The title of this blog post, honestly has absolutely nothing to do with what I plan to write this morning, it's more of a personal reminder.

Last night I went to AC Moore to pick up some lovely cotton yarn to make a baby blanket. With all intentions on getting a nice bright yellow to make a ducky themed blanket, I failed miserably and ended up with an ombre yarn with different shades of light earthy brown colors. I started working on it immediately, of course, and so far it is working up beautifully. 

There was a lady I encountered at the store though, and I found this to be quite humerus. My age is quite apparent; there is no doubt that I am not any older than 20 years old. There was an older lady shopping in the same isle as I, having the same dilemma. What yarn do I get and what color? She insisted I get an acrylic yarn, when I had my heart set on cotton. She gave me one hundred and three reasons why I shouldn't use cotton for a blanket... all of which didn't make much sense. Anyway, she then asked me if I was following a pattern, I told her no, naturally  because I have quite a few blanket patterns in my head. Beside, I am easily able to come up with my own unique design. She blatantly questioned my skill and then insisted I follow a pattern to 'challenge' myself, that way I have a perfect blanket to gift. 

Maybe it was the way I interpreted it, being self concious or maybe it was just the tone she was talking to me in... but she did make it known that she wasn't pleased with my yarn choices every time I picked up the cotton, LOL. Sorry lady, my blanket, not yours. 

Anyway, I have to head into work soon... I was called in last minute... that's alright though, makes up for the days I was called out last week.

Have a wonderful day, readers. :)

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